Know About Department of Civil Engineering
Civil engineering involves design, construction, maintenance and inspection of large infrastructure projects such as highways, railroads, bridges, tunnels, dams and airports.
A Civil Engineer who specialises in structural design (Structural Engineer) would calculate the size of the tunnel, how it is to be constructed (all of the stages) and what it is made of (reinforced concrete, etc.). In order to provide clean air and remove as much of the vehicle emissions as possible.
HOD's Message
Greetings! On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of Department of Computer science & Engineering we welcome you!
This is an exciting era for computer students and teachers as the discipline is now widely recognized as an essential source of techniques for advancements in nearly all spheres of human endeavor. This department is assiduously heading towards achieving high academic standards and values while preparing Computer Science graduates to meet the GLOBAL STANDARDS.
The keepers of this department believe that in a competitive software world knowledge is a key ingredient and a competitive weapon and they endeavor to impart even the nitty gritty of this field to their students.
Our Objective
The objective is to educate, train and develop world class IT professionals with a mastery of not only hardware and software skills but also soft skills for professional success.The department is regularly conducting workshops for all faculty and students. The department has six state of the art laboratories with high end Servers along with a firewall security server. The well equipped Labs are kept open till 9:30 pm every day to enable the use of lab facilities.
Our Vision & Mission
To empower the students of computer science and Engineering Department to be Technologically adept, innovative, self-motivated and responsible global citizen possessing human values and contribute significantly towards high quality technical education.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering strives to prepare students for professional career and higher studies by providing conductive teaching – learning, research environment and entrepreneurship with leadership skills, enabling them to serve the engineering profession.
Name : Priyanka Verma
Mobile No. : 9418161916
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Designation : LECTURER
Mobile No. : 8894186883
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Designation : lect.
Mobile No. : 8580728823
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Designation : lect.
Name : Test
Mobile No. : 5454545454
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Designation : DTH
Ques.Papers & Syllabus
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Photo Gallery
Concrete Technology lab-2
Soil and Foundation Engineering